It is well known that in large social networks like Twitter there is a difficulty in searches due to the volume of information accumulated.

Let's see how we can make our lives easier. Below is a list of indicative Twitter searches that can help you have more accurate searches on the microblogging social network:

All tweets from a specific user

to:BarackObama -filter:left
Tweets sent to @BarackObama that do not contain links

elections list:TIME/time-staff
Search for tweets from users who belong to a specific Twitter list min_faves:100
Search for tweets containing YouTube videos that have been favorited by at least 100 users

earthquake min_retweets:10
Tweets that have been retweeted at least 10 times

iPhone near:NY within:10mi
Tweets sent by users who are at least 10 miles from a specific place and have an iPhone

#foodrecipe lang:en
Tweets in a specific language (en = English)

iPhone Reviews since:2016-03-02 until:2016-03-08
Tweets of a specific time period

YouTube good OR amazing OR awesome filter:links
Tweets containing YouTube videos described as awesome or amazing

#Emmys filter:images
Tweets from a specific hashtag and contain images

Barack Obama filter:news
Displays only tweets that mention the keyword and contain links to news sites

from:john to:iguru_gr -RT
Tweets by @John that mention @iguru_gr and have no Retweets

family games filter:safe
Tweets that do not contain content for minors

tornado filter:media
Displays tweets from hurricanes containing images or videos

music concert filter:native_video
Displays tweets containing native video (uploaded within the tweet)

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