Many users of the Facebook have no idea that they might be able to recover the Accessed at at account them using an alternative email ή mobile phone number registered in the account their. They also don't know that they could get help from the Friends if they forget the code access their.

It is important to mention that these Options are only available if you have set them up in your account when you configure your Policies privacy Your.

See also: How do I find the password of a Facebook account?

See also: Facebook account hacked: how to spot it and what to do?

Retrieved from your Facebook account without email and password

Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Forgot your account your?" in the top right corner.
  3. If the account is not included, please fill in the form to determine the account Your.
  4. Select a contact method that appears in the account
    to send you a copy of your Link code reset Accessed at.
  5. If you cannot obtain Accessed at at email or your mobile number telephone click on the "No longer have this option" option, then click on the Accessed at in them?"
  6. If you have set previously these options, Follow on instructions provided to answer the question Security or to receive your help from friends or contact with the email service provider.

If the account has you violated and you still remember the code Accessed at you can easily find your Restore and block the hacker!

See also: How to stop Facebook from tracking your activity?