Normally we all have a virus detection software residing on our computers to protect data files from malware. We have learned not to open attachments from unknown email addresses. But what if you want to get a second opinion on a suspicious email attachment? Can you do a virus scan on the email attachment?

How to make online scan email attachment for viruses

If you receive an email from someone and it looks suspicious, contact Virus Total to view the attachment. Virus Total Online Virus Checking is an effort by VT (Total Virus) for a better Internet

Scan email attachments using VirusTotal

Total Virus will scan the attachment through a different protection software by malware and will send you information in response to your email Your. The email will include information about the origin of the attachment.

Send attachments to VirusTotal

Here is a step-by-step guide to scanning the attachment online for the virus.

  1. Save the suspicious message as an attachment. To Outlook, right-click the item and select Save as Attachment, then select its save point
  2. Create a new email
  3. Στο πεδίο “Προς”, πληκτρολογήστε
  4. If you want Virus Total Online Scanner results in plain text, type SCAN in the subject line. If you also need an XML version, write SCAN + XML in the subject line
  5. Attach the email you saved as an attachment
  6. Press the Send button.

You can also forward an email you may have received with a suspicious attachment to and write SCAN in the subject line.

The response from Total Virus will show you the results in the format you requested.

You can see the details of the suspicious message in the e-mail. If you had selected SCAN + XML, you will receive a plain text message and a page with XML encoding. If you select XML, more processing time may be needed. So you will have to wait a while.