Internet access in Myanmar was sharply reduced after the detention of military leaders of the ruling National League for Democracy party, including Aung San Suu Kyi. The NLD won a large majority of parliamentary seats in the November general election. The army, of course, claims that the victory was the result of electoral fraud. In a statement the army said that power would be handed over to army chief Min Aung Hlaing.

According to NetBlocks, a non-governmental organization that monitors the digital rights, cybersecurity and governance of internet around the world, internet outages began around 3 a.m. local time Monday, with national connectivity dropping to 75% of normal levels and then reaching around 50% around 8 a.m. The data show that the cuts have affected many people network operators, including state-owned Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) and Telenor. NetBlocks said that "preliminary findings [indicate] a centrally arranged disruption mechanism targeting certain services".

The American Citizen Services of the Embassy of United States They reported on Twitter that internet and phone connection is limited throughout Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw.

Aye Min Thant, a former Reuters correspondent who is now a program director in Phandeeyar, wrote in Twitter that it had been disconnected from the Signal and the Telegram την νύχτα πριν ξεκινήσει το πραξικόπημα και τώρα δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί ξανά – για την ακριβεία δεν μπορεί να λάβει κωδικούς επαλήθευσης.

The detention of Suu Kyi and other leaders of the National League for Democracy comes days after Myanmar's military attempted to downplay concerns of a coup by saying it would protect the country's constitution, despite allegations of fraud in the November elections.

Η Μιανμάρ τέθηκε υπό άμεση στρατιωτική κυριαρχία μετά το πραξικόπημα του 1962 που αντικατέστησε την πολιτική κυβέρνηση. Το 1990, διεξήχθησαν ελεύθερες εκλογές και το NLD κέρδισε, αλλά ο στρατός αρνήθηκε να εγκαταλείψει την εξουσία, θέτοντας την Suu Kyi υπό κατ ‘οίκον περιορισμό. Μετά το 2011, σταδιακά ξεκίνησε μια μετάβαση στην democracybut the army still control large part of the government.

While the Government of Myanmar does not exercise direct censorship on internet content, Freedom House disagrees, citing the manipulation of internet content by both the military and the NLD. In June 2019, the government banned internet use in parts of Rakhine and Chin State, the sites of ongoing fighting between the Myanmar Army and the Arakan Army. Human rights organizations, including the Human Rights Watch, said that the ban on internet use prevents people in these areas from communicating with their families, receiving information about the COVID-19 or have Accessed at to help.