Η artificial intelligence (AI) is trained using personal data through a specialised mechanism called machine learning.

During this process, artificial intelligence (AI) systems analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns and relationships. These analyses then allow AI systems to predict behaviours or make decisions. The personal data used in AI training can include data such as age, gender, location, shopping habits and social media preferences. This data is drawn from various sources such as websites, apps, social networks and other digital platforms.

Prevent the use of your personal data for AI Training

In order to prevent our personal data from being used in the development of AI technologies, it is necessary to understand how and from where this data is obtained. information. This includes looking at the privacy settings in the various applications and websites we use, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of how our personal data is managed.

In addition, we have the ability to implement specialized tools that enhance control over our personal data. These tools may include browsers that prevent tracking, license management applications Accessed at to data and services that offer secure alternatives to data storage.

It is critical that we carefully select the information we share with the internet. These may include avoiding sharing personal information on publicly accessible websites or choosing to use pseudonyms instead of our real names.

Finally, we can require the companies respect our rights regarding our data. This may include a requirement for transparency in relation to how our data is used, the right to withdraw our permission to use our data at any time, or even a requirement to have our data deleted from their databases.

What tools and techniques are available to protect your personal data? Our data versus using it for AI training;

The use of VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of the most effective strategies for protection των προσωπικών σας δεδομένων. Τα VPN προσφέρουν μια ασφαλή ‘διαδρομή’ μέσα από την οποίο διακινούνται τα δεδομένα σας στο διαδίκτυο, εξασφαλίζοντας την κρυπτογράφηση και την ασφάλειά τους, έτσι ώστε να αναγνωρίζονται μόνο από τον καθορισμένο προορισμό.

An improved technique involves the application of data masking software, a tool that replaces sensitive data with virtual or anonymous data, thus ensuring that the original structure is preserved. This measure ensures that the data is rendered unsuitable for Education AI, while protecting their personal identity.

Read about: Everything you need to know about a VPN!

You can also choose to use tools such as Tor, which allows you to configure the Traffic your internet through various servers around the world, thus complicating the process of monitoring your online your activity.